Serial for osx mac os#
I'm curious, can anyone with Mac OS 10.11 check whether the PteroDAQ installation works for them, to the point where they can run PteroDAQ (on either Teensy LC or 3.1/3.2)? If the (I was trying to do the debugging in the middle of a lab with 24 students asking questions, so I did not have more than a couple of minutes to try to debug the problem.) One student reported that the device was not appearing in the /dev directory, but I did not observe that myself, so can't verify it, as I don't have access to their machines. I checked, and the USB device is appearing properly in the "System Information" on both their machines and mine. Click Continue to begin the installation and follow the instructions to install the NLM tools. If you downloaded an installer, double-click the NLM DMG file in your Downloads folder. I've not attached the code here (because it is large), but it can be found at Navigate to the NetworkLicenseManager folder on your installer or your installation media. Since I don't have access to their machines for debugging, and it is working on my machine, I don't know where to start look looking for a problem. Get help in the US and Canada for issues related to your PlayStation PS4, PS4Pro, PS VR, DUALSHOCK4 wireless controller, PS3, and PS Vita. Note: they had no problem downloading the firmware to the Teensy LC using Arduino 1.6.7 and Teensyduino 1.27, but the Python code which worked on my machine could not find the serial port. My students are having trouble seeing the Serial port of a Teensyduino program on OS X 10.11, but I'm having no trouble on my OS 10.11.3 Mac, running the same firmware on the Teensy LC board and running the same Python program to detect the serial port.